Hello everyone!
Sorry no updates for awhile! Who reads this anyway? I've been in a funk lately. I think it's a hangover from the holidays. That time of year is full of everything: food, fun, festivities, fluffy- cake, friends, family, and fromage (if it doesn't start with an F its no fun). Come January, you're stuck in the cold.
When the actual new year rolls around people feel the need to turn over a new leaf and change. I think its great that our culture encourages self reflection, in some small way. As I write this post gyms are a bit more crowded, someone out there is applying a nicorette patch, and a donut was passed over. Progress in baby steps, I say! I hope everyone out there sticks to their resolutions!
Many moons ago I resolved to not have new year resolutions. I prefer to call them hopes or goals. I like to think about things I would like to do in the course of the new year. Like
-Save Money!
-Buy less crap I don't need--- Buy only things I love!
-Be less materialistic (this is really hard when you really love clothes, maybe I'll try thrifting this year)
-Make more stuff (cook, sew, etc)
-Save for a DSLR (aren't you tired of my crappy photos?)
-Volunteer More
Things I'm looking forward to in 2010
-Concerts: Muse and JayZ
-Trips: Hong Kong and (one other destination: Japan or Taiwan)
-Trying new things
Go out there and do something people!
"We can’t do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves."
-Wall and Piece
hell yea!! =)